QGRAD 2000
Saturday November 18, 2000
Royce Hall
(building 21 on the campus map)
UCLA Campus
Registration @ 8:30 am
Panels from 9:30 am – 6:45 pm
Reception 7 pm – 9 pm
Co-Sponsored by
UCLA LGBT Campus Resource Center
Center for the Study of Women
Department of English
Department of Germanic Languages
Department of Musicology
Graduate School of Education & Information Sciences
UCLA Graduate Students Association
QGRAD 2000 Program
November 18, 2000
8:30 Registration/Breakaway Room –
355 Kinsey Hall (building 24 on the campus map)
9:00 Welcome – 362 Royce
SESSION ONE (9:30 – 11)
A. The Politics of Invisibility – 306 Royce
- Bobby Vasquez, Iowa State, English: “Out of the Closet: The Space-Affirming Clothing in Millennium Hall, The Hamwood Papers, and I Know My Own Heart”
- Robert Sterner, UCLA, English: “Heterosexuality, or, The House Behind the Cedars”
- Andrea Lowgren, University of Oregon, Music History: “There’s a Lot of Sentimental Bosh About Sex: Love Relationships in the Life of Dame Ethel Smyth”
Faculty Moderator: Mitchell Morris, UCLA, Musicology
B. When Worlds Collide: Race, Place, and Sexuality – 314 Royce
- Walter Penrose, CUNY-GC, History: “A Thousand Words the Picture Doesn’t Tell: The Gendered Iconography of Woman-to-Woman Homoeroticism in a Seventeenth-Century South Asian Painting”
- Yi-Miao Huang, George Washington University, Women’s Studies: “Together: Taiwanese Lesbians in the U.S.”
- Luis Villanueva, U.C. San Diego, Sociology: “Cultural Formations of “gay Latinos” in (Southern) California.”
Faculty Moderator: Arthur Little, UCLA English
C. Intimacy Matters – 362 Royce
- Katrien Ann de Moor, Ghent University (Belgium), English: “‘The Gift of Words’: The Complex Constructions of a (Literary) Ethics of Care in AIDS Fiction and AIDS Memoirs”
- Gillian Harkins, U.C. Berkeley, English: “Spectacles of Consent: On Children, Sex, and Power”
- Emily Davis, U.C. Santa Barbara, English: “‘Programmed for Love’: Technology, Sexuality, and (Re)production in Three Weimar German Films”
Faculty Moderator: Susan Cochran, UCLA Epidemiology
SESSION TWO (11:15 – 12:45)
A. Of Dildoes, Pens, & Other Sexual Technologies – 362 Royce
- Katherine H. Voyles, U.C. San Diego, English: “Performing the Comedic Subject: Counteracting Failure in A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte Clark”
- Clarissa Clo, U.C. San Diego, Literature: “Female Cross-dressing, Italian Castrati, and the Displacement of Desire in 18th-Century England”
- Adrienne L. Eastwood, San Diego State, English: “Disappearing Ambiguity in The Surprising Adventures of a Female Husband”
- Liberty Smith, U.C. San Diego, Literature: “Listening to the ‘Wives’ of the ‘Female Husbands’: A Project of Sapphic Historiography in Britain in the 18th-Century”
Faculty Moderator: David Rodes, UCLA, English
B. Mass Media and the GSN (Gay Shopping Network) – 306 Royce
- Michael Murphy, Washington University, Art History: “Leyendecker’s Homoeroticisms”
- David Gudelunas, University of Pennsylvania, Communications: “Marketing the Movement: Constructing the Gay and Lesbian Audience”
- Sarah Brown, UCLA, Sociology: “How Emotionally Ill Deviants Became an Oppressed Minority: Change in Media Discourse on Homosexuals between 1950 and 1980”
Faculty Moderator: John Horton, Sociology, UCLA
C. Performing Desires – 314 Royce
- Laura Christian, U.C. Santa Cruz, History of Consciousness: “Abjection, Shame, and Queer Performativity: An Analysis of Todd Haynes’ Poison (1991)”
- Juana Suárez, Arizona State, Spanish: “City Borders and Queer Cartographies: Luis Alfaro’s downtown”
- Rachmi Diyah Larasati, UCLA, World Arts & Culture: “Dangdut: The Politics of Staging Gender and Sexuality in Indonesian Popular Culture”
- Tom Holmes, UCLA, Art: “Notes on My Life as a Country and Western Ego Pansy”
Faculty Moderator: Ronni Sanlo, Director, LGBT Resource Center, UCLA
LUNCH (1-2)
Come to Kinsey 355 for a boxed lunch. First come, first served. Free for panelists and moderators. $5 all others.
SESSION THREE (2:15 – 3:45)
A. Be[com]ing Queer: Of Closets, Classrooms, and Shadows – 362 Royce
- David M. Chase, UCLA, English: “Are ‘We’ (Be)Coming Together or Coming Undone?: Theorizing Resistance in/to Foucault’s Queer Acsesis”
- Nicholas de Villiers, University of Minnesota, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature: “Opacities: Queer Strategies”
- Cindy Cruz, UCLA, Education: “Toward a Queer Pedagogy”
- Daniel I. Humphrey, University of Rochester, Art & Art History: “Cinema as Queer Project in the Work of Ingmar Bergman”
Faculty Moderator: Andrew Hewitt, UCLA, Germanic Languages
B. Spaces of Resistance – 314 Royce
- Amy Beth, Marcos Carvalho, Deirdre Conlon, CUNY, Environmental Psychology: “Whose Space Is It Anyway? A Collective Study in Queer Environmental Psychology”
- Stephanie J. Nawyn, Loyola University, Sociology: “Gay and Lesbian Visibility and the Transformation of Workplace Culture”
- Monica Matthews, Linfield College, Physics: “Women, Physics, and Feminism”
Faculty Moderator: Peter Nardi, Sociology, Pitzer College
C. Queering the Canon: Faulkner, Woolf, and Austen – 306 Royce
- Norman W. Jones, UCLA, English: “‘If I Had Been There I Could Not Have Seen It This Plain’: Faulkner on Lesbian and Gay History”
- Geoffrey Bateman, U.C. Santa Barbara, English: “Uneasy Intimacies: Filiation Between Outsiders in Between the Acts”
- Michelle Ann Abate, CUNY-GC, English: “Reading Red: The Man with the (Gay) Red Tie in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury”
- Anna Viele, U.C. Santa Barbara, English: “Triangle Trade: Erotic Desire and The Crisis of Indeterminacy in Jane Austen’s Emma”
Faculty Moderator: Tiffany Ana López, UC Riverside, English
SESSION FOUR (4 – 5:30)
A. Transgendered Nation: Studies, Movements, Visions – 306 Royce
- Selena Wahng, NYU, Performance Studies: “Double Cross: FTMs of Color, Asian American Gendering, and the Illogics of Masculine Identification in the TransVideos of Christopher Lee”
- Meredith H. Trauner, University of Arizona, Women’s Studies: “Speaking with Hijras: The Appropriation of a Gender Variant Role in India by Feminist Scholarship”
- Eve Shapiro, U.C. Santa Barbara, Sociology: “Creating a Social Movement: The Birth of a National Transgender Voice”
Faculty Moderator: Jacob Hale, Philosophy, CSU Northridge
B. Animated and Cloned: Rewriting Ethnic Masculinities – 362 Royce
- Daniel Enrique Pérez, Arizona State, Languages & Literatures: “Masculinity (Re)Defined: Masculinity, Internalized Homophobia, and the Gay Clone in the Works of John Rechy”
- Sylvia Chong, U.C. Berkeley, Rhetoric: “Cultural and Sexual Transvestism: Pokemon’s ‘Team Rocket’ and the Translation of Japanese Masculinities”
- La’Tonya Rease Miles, UCLA, English: “All Balls Don’t Bounce: The Masculinization of Reggie Miller”
- Luis Villanueva, U.C. San Diego, Sociology: “Cultural Formations of “gay Latinos” in (Southern) California.”
Faculty Moderator: Eric Avila, César Chávez Center for Chicano/a Studies
C. Grad Films from the UCLA School of Film & TV – 314 Royce
- “Just out of Reach,” by Jonathan Wald
- “Bones” and “Pump” by Abigail Severance
- “Confession” by Carl Pfirman
Moderator: Derek Livingston, UCLA, School of Film & Television
FACULTY ROUNDTABLE (5:45 – 6:45) – 362 Royce
“Along the Yellow Brick Road: From Graduate Student to Professor & Scholar”
- Deena González, History & Chicano Studies, Pomona College
- Jacob Hale, Philosophy, CSU Northridge
- Mitchell Morris, Musicology, UCLA
- Peter Nardi, Sociology, Pitzer College
Moderator: Alicia Gaspar de Alba, César Chávez Center for Chicana/o Studies, UCLA
RECEPTION (7 – 9) – 306 Royce
The UCLA Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Program
251A Kinsey Hall
Box 951384
Los Angeles CA 90095-1384
(310) 206-0516
lgbs@humnet.ucla.edu” > lgbs@humnet.ucla.edu
Interim Director: Dr. Alicia Gaspar de Alba
Event Coordinator: Xochitl Márquez
LGBT Studies Program Coordinator: Claudia Rodríguez
Workstudy Staff: Elias Enciso
Logo: Alma López
Faculty Advisory Committee
Susan D. Cochran, Chair
Eric Avila
Karen Brodkin
David Gere
Linda Garnets
Alicia Gaspar de Alba
Sandra Harding
John Horton
Lynn Hunt
Arthur L. Little
Christine Littleton
Mark Litwin
Mitchell Morris
Chon Noriega
David Rodes
Vernon Rosario
William Rubenstein
Ronni Sanlo
Greg Sarris
James A. Schultz
Student Advisory Panel
Sarah Brown
David Chase
Cindy Cruz
Tom Holmes
Daniel Hurewitz
Norman Jones
Laurah Klepinger
Amy Sueyoshi
Tim Wright
For further information, please contact the LGBTS office at (310) 206-0516 or lgbs@humnet.ucla.edu