Inspired by the acclaimed autobiographical solo show, ¡Gaytino! written and performed by Dan Guerrero, this unique course will explore the intersection of gay and Chicano/Latino identity politics in performance art, written and spoken word, and media. Everyone has a story. Discover and develop yours and find the power within through 6 weekly performance workshops that culminate with each student reading a five minute autobiographical piece before an invited audience.
Space limited. 15 students only. Enroll today.
Weekly Topics:
Week 1: What is the Power of One?
Week 2: Digging for Gold
Week 3: Serve It with a Twist
Week 4: Once More into the Breach
Week 5: On your Feet, Almost
Week 6: Break a Leg!
Visit the UCLA Summer Sessions website to enroll.
For more information about El Profe Guerrero, visit the ¡Gaytino! website.