Grace Hong

Grace Kyungwon Hong is a Professor in the Department of Gender Studies and the Department of Asian American Studies. Her research focuses on women of color feminism as an epistemological critique of and alternative to Western liberal humanism and capital, particularly as they manifest as contemporary neoliberalism. Hong’s research and teaching foci are Women of Color Feminism; Comparative & Relational Race Theory; Cultural Studies; Political Economies of Race, Gender, and Sexuality; and Race and Neoliberalism. In her capacity as the Chair of CSW’s Advisory Committee (2016-2019) and as CSW Associate Director, Hong initiated one of its current research streams, Sexual Violence and Intersectionality, and also supported the Feminist Anti-Carceral Studies stream. The latter set the theme for CSW’s annual graduate conference Thinking Gender in 2019 titled Feminists Confronting the Carceral State, and the CSW’s 2019-2020 Policy Brief Series, Confronting the Carceral State, Reimagining Justice. Hong is also the co-PI for the UC Sentencing Project, housed under this stream. The Sexual Violence and Intersectionality stream provided the theme for CSW’s 2018-2019 Policy Brief Series, Addressing Sexual Violence, Achieving Justice: Shelter, Intersectionality, and Sexual Harassment Policy, and the Thinking Gender 2020 conference, Sexual Violence as Structural Violence: Feminist Visions of Transformative Justice. She also participates in CSW’s Black Feminism Initiative.
Hong is the author of Death Beyond Disavowal: The Impossible Politics of Difference (University of Minnesota Press, 2015) which won the 2016 Cultural Studies Book Award from the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) and The Ruptures of American Capital: Women of Color Feminism and the Cultures of Immigrant Labor (University of Minnesota Press, 2006). She is also the co-editor (with Roderick Ferguson) of Strange Affinities: The Gender and Sexual Politics of Comparative Racialization (Duke University Press, 2011). She co-edited (with Roderick Ferguson) the Difference Incorporated book series at the University of Minnesota Press. She served as the Interim Associate Director of the UC Consortium for Black Studies in California. Hong is the recipient of numerous awards including the C. Doris and Toshio Hoshide Distinguished Teaching Prize, UCLA Asian American Studies, 2016; the Faculty Research on Diversity Award, UCLA Academic Senate, 2016; and the UCLA Asian American Studies M.A. Teaching Award, 2009-10.