Kerri L. Johnson

Office: 2330 Rolfe Hall
My research incorporates diverse methods that are at the cutting-edge of communication science. This enables me to pinpoint with unprecedented precision the visual cues that send messages to others and how these cues are utilized by perceivers. In addition to traditional tools such as surveys and experiments, I have used the following methods to shed light on interpersonal communication processes:
- corneal reflection eye-tracking (to record what part of the face/body is being observed)
- 3D motion analysis (to record/analyze precise patterns of body motion)
- psychophysics (to record how visual cues alter perceptions)
- behavioral measurements (to determine how nonverbal behaviors change in different situations)
- psychophysiology (to record affective and arousal responses during events of social perception)
Taken together, these tools allow for a more comprehensive understanding of nonverbal communication.
- Ph.D., Psychology, Cornell University (2004)
- M.A., Experimental Psychology, University of Central Oklahoma (1998, with Honors)
- B.S., Education, University of Central Oklahoma (1994, Summa Cum Laude)