Please join the LGBTQ Studies Program at
The 2018 Queer Graduate Student Conference
“Alter-Net Bodies: Fat/Crip/Queered Identities,
Expressions, and Cyber Activism”
QGrad Conference at UCLA explores the intersections of fatness, gender, race, queerness, ability status, and technology. Alter-net bodies transcend physical and virtual space but are still impacted by rhetoric that labels them as deviant, ugly, and unruly. In what ways do Alter-net bodies exist more or less freely in digital space than in physical space? How do fat/crip/queers of color utilize and expand cyberspace as sites of resistance? How do Alter-net people perform, express, articulate, generate, and create resistant identities and aesthetics?
This year we are honored to welcome body liberation activist, Fierce Fat Femme, Dulce Garcia and esteemed Professor and Crip Femme Crafter Shayda Kafai!!
Conference flyer and Program include more information about the conference.