The LGBTQ Studies program invites you to its annual Open House event on Friday, October 19, 2018, from 11:00am-1:00pm in the Lavender Ballroom (Haines Hall A9). Come join current students, faculty,…
Read MoreThe LGBTQ Studies program invites you to its annual Open House event on Friday, October 19, 2018, from 11:00am-1:00pm in the Lavender Ballroom (Haines Hall A9). Come join current students, faculty,…
Read MoreFROM THE DAILY BRUIN BY MADDIE OSTERGAARD Posted: May 20, 2018 UCLA’s LGBTQ Studies Program celebrated the 20th anniversary of the LGBTQ studies minor Friday. The program held a research symposium in…
Read MoreInspired by the acclaimed autobiographical solo show, ¡Gaytino! written and performed by Dan Guerrero, this unique course will explore the intersection of gay and Chicano/Latino identity politics in performance art, written and spoken…
Read MoreSummer Session A 10 Weeks (June 25-August 31) 4 Units Tuesdays 10:00am-12:50pm HAINES A74 Instructor: Michael Fleming **LGBTQS Minors please note this service learning course cannot be substituted for required…
Read MoreThe Department of Comparative Literature at UCLA is excited to present Professor Pete Sigal’s upcoming public lecture and graduate student workshop. The lecture is titled “Thinking with Trash: Nahua Knowledge and…
Read MorePlease join the LGBTQ Studies Program, The Chicanx/Latinx floor of Sproul Hall, and The Gender, Sexuality, and Society Living Learning Communities to screen Southwest of Salem, an important documentary about…
Read More*On Behalf of our Chair, Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Given the situation with the fires and classes being cancelled today (12/7) we will be postponing the community alter for…
Read MoreA mural depicting the 1967 LGBTQ rights protests outside the Black Cat Tavern in Silver Lake was installed in the LGBTQ Studies offices in A9 Haines Hall in 2014. For…
Read MoreBY MEGAN DALEY Posted: May 7, 2017 10:38 pm Josh Feldman stood in front of students in the Charles E. Young Grand Salon in Kerckhoff Hall and shared his journey…
Read MoreAcademic Year 2015-2016 is behind us now, but it brought with it some important changes to the LGBT Studies program. First and foremost, the name of the program has been officially changed to…
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